...because home doesn't happen overnight.
03.10.15 / life with cheetah 1



You mentioned minimal shedding from Cheetah. I’ve been a pet groomer for more than 20 years and would like to politely suggest that you contact a groomer and talk about bathing and blow drying Cheetah. When kitties get used to a professional grooming, they don’t mind it. I can even say I’ve had cats who actually enjoyed their regular grooming sessions. She’s beautiful so I do not recommend shaving her as so many owners of long haired kitties do. But a regular shampoo and blowout will decrease shedding, remove oil and dander, and eliminate unwanted fur balls on the floor. Thank you for sharing Cheetah with us. She’s delightful!


Thanks for the advice, Emily! I will have to look into that.


Laughing at Cheetah making herself comfortable on the mantlepiece. Typical cat. She looks like an awesome addition to the family. I don’t know how they twist their spines 180 like that, with their bottom half one way and their top the other!