...because home doesn't happen overnight.
02.01.10 / Island Paradise

This is our kitchen island.

I like having an island in the kitchen for extra counter space and for casual lunches with my kids.  And it’s definitely a step up from our first kitchen seen below…

Still, I feel like when you see our island from the living/dining area, something is missing.  It just doesn’t look substantial or finished.  Again, it’s that “builder-ish” style that all new homes seem to have.

I think adding an open shelving unit onto the end facing the dining area would give it more of a furniture feel, not to mention added storage and appeal.  Maybe something similar to these kitchen islands.

This kitchen is a little more country than me but that island shelving rocks.  (Oh, and did you notice the ceilings?!)

This island looks like the kitchen was built around it.  A true piece of furniture.

Can you say grand?!  Well, this island says it.

Even though I can’t see all of this island, it’s my fave.  I love the simple lines and clean, open shelving.

(Courtesy of This Old House.) 

        I. Heart. This. Island.  

Hmmm…are you thinking what I’m thinking?  Yep.  Need to call for quotes on getting something like this built for my island.  We could prime, paint and install it ourselves to cut down on costs.  We’ll see…