...because home doesn't happen overnight.
04.02.10 / Happy IKEAster!

During a recent visit to see the Easter Bunny (in a shed in the country – weird, I know), I discovered something quite amazing…

See that?!  The Easter Bunny himself is sitting on an IKEA EKTORP TULLSTA armchair draped in fun, flower-y fabric! 

And did you notice the hanging fabric room divider in the first photo?  Those are actually IKEA BOMULL curtains (sans the tie-backs).

It was destiny that we found this particular “Easter Bunny Helper”.  What a modern and resourceful little guy!  He wasn’t the real Easter Bunny though because he had ‘people eyes’  – at least this is what my 5-year-old son, Layne, explained to me.

Happy IKEAster!

1 Comment

Every “bunny” needs some IKEA sometimes :-)

Almost our curtains…except ours cost a fortune at the German IKEA. I can only hope the fabric isn’t as nice as ours cause we were seriously robbed otherwise :)

Happy Easter!