...because home doesn't happen overnight.
05.02.12 / t minus 30 days

Yesterday was the first of the month. That meant our apartment rent was due. We also turned in something else in addition to our rent check…a note giving our 30 days notice.

As of May 31st we’ll no longer be apartment dwellers. I guess, technically, I should have titled this post ‘T minus 29 days.’ I’ve already filled two trash bags with clothes, toys, and other crap {the facetious not fecal kind} that we’ve accumulated over the past eight months that we don’t need. I’ll be dropping them off at Goodwill today. And so it begins…

image: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking



Ooooh how exciting!! The purge of unneeded stuff, the beginning of something new… Cannot wait to see more pics of the Underdog! And with furniture!


Very exciting! You and your blog make my day. Do you have a link to the interior door hardwear you are using?

Eee!! How exciting for you and your family! Every time I see a new post pop up I’m hoping today’s the day. Congrats!


Hooray! I’m so happy that you’ll soon be living in your house! I’ve enjoyed seeing all of the work HH has been doing on it, but I’m eager to see you turn it into a HOME…


Yeah! I am so happy and excited for you!!!

Woohoo! You guys are amazing doing all this with a newborn! Fingers crossed you can relax a little once you’ve moved in.


I can’t wait to see the underdog made into a home!


So exciting!! I’m glad that you are finally able to move it. I bet HH is happy he’s (almost) finished.

How exciting! What y’all have done so far looks amazing! Can’t wait to see more!!




I couldn’t help but start singing “The Final Countdown”. It just seems so apropos. So happy you guys are finally in the home stretch!


Yipee! That’s wonderful news. I bet you can’t wait. It’ll be here before you know it. Good luck getting everything packed/moved over.


Oh hooray!! You will all be so relieved!


How exciting!! I can’t wait for the big move!


Yay!!! Congratulations!! This will be either the fastest or the slowest month you’ll have had in a while.

When my bf & I were getting ready to move into our first apartment together at the beginning of April, the month before our move in date went by SOOOO SLOW because I was SO excited to move! But he said it went by super fast for him because he was so busy getting ready! Lol!


YAY for moving plans!

I’m still getting used to the new layout – and I may just be blind – but I don’t see “last entry” and “next entry” buttons. I sometimes read several days at a time and like to be able to read one entry with all the comments and go directly to the next (or previous if I want to refresh my memory about what you said last time).


Yeaaa!!! SO exciting!

Yay! So happy for you!


Great news! So pleased :))


Ahh! How exciting!


AWESOME!! How exciting. Can’t wait for you to tweak the underdog!!


Woot! I cannot wait to see how the house comes together once you’re in it! I will commence pestering you for a house tour in … oh, 34 days.


Great news!!! Hoooray! Guess you Memorial Day Weekend plans include packing and moving.


Jason – I might need a little more than 34 days!! :) 30 days is just enough time for us to get it livable – not AT worthy! All in good time. Would love to do another AT tour though.


Cheryl – To be honest, I hadn’t thought of that! Thanks for the input. I’ll see if it can be worked in.


Debbie – On move-in day, the Underdog won’t be finished…but it will be livable. Just wanted to clarify. Heck, it probably won’t ever be finished. ;)


Leese – We don’t even have interior doors yet! And probably won’t when we move in – not a necessity right away. We have picked out the doors we want but haven’t discussed hardware. I’ll keep you posted. Literally.


Eeeek! So exciting! I’ve been slowly renovating an apartment I bought last year but for now I’m staying at a friend’s place since I still need to do the flooring and other fun stuff. I can’t wait for the day when it’s ready for me to move in. But for now I can live vicariously through you :)


Good news Millers ! Does it mean your kitchen is ready ? Good luck with the packing/moving/unpacking extravaganza ! Take care !


I’m new to your blog and you have an amazing story – I love all the renovation work you’ve done so far! I was just wondering if you have any future plans to increase the size of the house through converting the garage etc? It seems like there is plenty of potential there! :)

This is great news and I am sure you are thrilled1 Just remember to stop and grab a cup of tea/coffee and take a break now and then.


Jenny – We don’t plan on changing the original footprint of the Underdog. HH does have plans to build a detached man-shed at some point and has already mentioned including a small living space within/above it. We’ll have to see. Since we were a family of 4 when we bought the house and now we’re a family of 5, things will most likely be tighter than what we had anticipated. There is potential to add on if we absolutely had to. With a large lot and a single level dwelling, it does make things easier if increasing square footage is necessary. But as of right now, nope. No plans to add on.


Home at last–excellent news for your family!Will you have a partially working guest/boys’ bathroom by then (toilet and sink), or will everyone be using the master bath for a while?

I also wanted you to know, in light of the recent post about your pleasure in writing, that I read your blog for your words as much as for your photos and design savvy (FYI, I’ve been a writer/editor for 30+ years). You’ve got what it takes to do this, all of this blogging and designing stuff. Big points to HH that you have the support at home as well.


Everyone’s gonna be shackin’ it up in the master bath for a little while! We’ll complete the kid/guest bath after we move in.

I, too, am grateful for HH having so much confidence in me!


Okay, Cheryl! Bre added titles of the previous and next posts just above the comment section of each post just for you ;)


The kitchen is sooooo close. Basically, we’re waiting on countertops {which I’ll discuss next week} and sink & faucet installation. We still have to pick a microwave and add some plinth to the back of the island. We’ll add hardware and organization systems after we’re moved in. Down the line, we may do some additional tweaking with a backsplash or something on the wall above the stovetop. All in good time!


Hi: I noticed when Apartment Therapy refers to your blog it’s spelled incorrectly “House Teaking”! Although it did direct me…I thought you it would be faster for you to have it corrected on your end!! Your previous home is beautiful….You have given me a start to so many ideas!! Thank you!!!


Thanks for your reply, I was just curious to know the extent of your renovation plans :)

I wonder if you could do a post on how to personalize a rented apartment before you move out of yours? (Although I know your time must be seriously limited with so much going on!) You have a beautiful decor aesthetic – did you find you were able to bring elements of that to a rental? I’m just moved into a furnished rental with my boyfriend but would love to be able to bring some personal style to the place. Would love to know how you made the apartment more homely while waiting to move into the underdog :)



And I used them to get back to this post – and now I don’t even remember what I was going back in time to look for – totally sidetracked by this additional tweak.

Looking good.