...because home doesn't happen overnight.


Congrats to Trudy and Nathan who would like to try the orange apple fruit chews and the pineapple coconut bar, respectively.

I’ve had requests to share what a typical day is like for me. The thing is, every day is different and not all that exciting. But I figured, what the heck!, and documented a random day earlier this week. Spoiler alert: it’s not as glamorous as you think. I’m just a normal mom trying my best to make it through these long days and short years without letting my health, sanity and passions fall by the wayside. Get ready for some very candid, very real photos. (It was a no makeup, no shower day. Not all that unusual actually.)


midnight – 7:45 a.m. I’m up with Mabrey eight times during the night. I thought she had the “big kid” bed all figured out but I was wrong.

6:30 – 7:45 a.m. Steve gets the boys up and off to school so I can catch some zzzzz’s but, in reality, I just lie in bed replaying the night’s events on the back of my eyelids like a bad movie. I am exhausted before the day even starts. Mabrey throws open the door. Good morning! She is unfazed by the lack of sleep. I get up, wash my face, make the bed and plod to the kitchen for breakfast.

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. We eat breakfast: fried uncured ham, toast with honey from one of Steve’s co-worker’s beehives (it’s the best honey I’ve ever had) and green juice that Steve made. Mabrey leans over several times while we’re eating to tell me secrets. I love you, she whispers. Suddenly last night doesn’t seem so awful in retrospect. Steve is working from home today. I thank him for the juice and for getting the boys off to school. I empty the dishwasher, load it back up with dirties and clean up the kitchen.

mabrey bath


9:00 – 10:30 a.m. I attempt to edit some photos for a blog post while Mabrey plays with Play-doh but it’s nearly impossible. She wants me to play with her. I feel like I’m half-assing both tasks so I shut my laptop and try to keep her happy and quiet while Steve works nearby. After a while, Mabrey and I go to my room so I can get dressed. In the few minutes it takes me to dress, Mabrey sneaks into the bathroom and rubs big clumps of Steve’s hair gel into her own hair. I try combing it out but it’s useless. I give her a bath while Cheetah supervises.

naturebox snacks

tennis snack

we're off!

10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Mabrey and I prepare to run errands. I have a tennis drilling session at noon but need to grab a few things from the store first. I make a list: toilet paper, paper towels, one of those childproof doorknob covers to prevent Mabrey from wandering the house at night. I pack Mabrey a NatureBox snack for the trip to the store: mango orange fruit chews + praline pumpkin seeds. I also pack her a lunch to eat in the nursery at tennis while I’m drilling. If I eat lunch before tennis, I’m sluggish. Instead, I pack NatureBox’s dark chocolate berry trail mix, a banana and my water bottle. We’re off! I feel like I’m forgetting something.


11:00 a.m. – noon Mabrey eats her snack while I grab a few things. We check out. As I’m loading up our purchases, I remember that I forgot to grab Mabrey’s lunch I had packed at home. (I knew I was forgetting something!) I tell her. She loses it. I drive back home, grab her lunch and drive to tennis. I scarf down my banana and a palmful of trail mix. I pull into the parking lot right at noon. Mabrey has fallen asleep in her car seat. I feel a twinge of guilt and wonder if I should skip tennis to take Mabrey home for a nap she most desperately needs. Mabrey wakes up excited for “school.”

noon – 2:00 p.m. I drill with a fun group of ladies. (I played tennis in high school and just picked up a racket again in October after an 18-year hiatus.) I play like crap but it feels good to sweat it out. I get a boost of energy. I pick Mabrey up from the nursery. Her “teacher” informs me that Mabrey was unusually tired. Mabrey falls asleep on the way home.


2:00 – 2:45 p.m. I put Mabrey down for a nap. She doesn’t fight me at all. I’m so hungry. I eat lunch: cajun stew leftover from the previous night’s dinner + an apple with peanut cookie butter. I unload the car & Mabrey’s lunch bag and clean up the kitchen. Again. I scoop Cheetah’s litter box. I need to shower but don’t have enough time.

everett home

everett snack

everett snack

steve snack

2:45 – 3:30 p.m. Everett gets off the bus and pretends to fall down in the driveway while all the kids on the bus watch. (He does this every day. The first time he did it his bus driver stopped the bus to make sure he was okay. Everett = drama.) I make him oatmeal with almond milk and top it with NatureBox’s french toast granola + strawberries. He eats every. single. bite. He does his homework. I offer Steve – who eats a mostly paleo diet – NatureBox’s coconut date energy bites. He strikes a corny pose for the camera then threatens to post a picture of me eating in my pajamas on the internet.

layne home

layne snack

3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Layne is home from school. He brings in the day’s mail. He chooses a snack: carrot, apple, NatureBox’s praline pumpkin seeds. I sort the mail and parent-teacher communication. I’m reminded that I am chaperoning Layne’s field trip the next morning.

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. It’s too cold to play outside. Layne and Everett watch a movie while I edit photos (finally!) and attempt to wrangle my inbox. I am so behind. I really want to write a post but Mabrey wakes up from her nap. We cuddle for a while and I start contemplating dinner.

dinner help

everett color

layne reads

everett note

6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Mabrey helps me prepare dinner while Everett colors and Layne reads. We listen to Nickel Creek on Cone. Everett gives a love note to Steve who is hiding in our bedroom finishing up work. He decides he’s done and joins us in the kitchen.


6:30 – 7:15 p.m. We eat dinner: bacon-wrapped pollack, asparagus cooked in sesame oil with lemon mayo. Plus white cheddar mac-n-cheese for the kids. Plus rosé for me. The boys whine about the asparagus but they eat it anyway and we talk about how everyone’s pee is going to stink later. Each kid gets a mini frozen coconut sandwich bar as a reward for finishing their dinner.

tetonic plates

packing lunches

7:15 – 7:45 p.m. It’s kitchen cleanup time. Again. The kids bring their dishes to the sink. Steve loads the dishwasher while I wipe down the counters and sweep the floor. The boys get their pajamas on and brush their teeth. Mabrey needs a little help with hers. Layne shows everyone his school project on tectonic plates. All three kids commence play-wrestling in the living room. I pretend not to hear the words “butt” and “poop.” Steve packs the boys’ lunches for the next day and gets a little help from Mabrey. I go to feed Cheetah but discover Mabrey has already fed her…a week’s worth of food…in her water bowl.

7:45 – 8:05 p.m. We meditate.

8:05 – 8:30 p.m. Bedtime stories for Everett and Mabrey. Hugs, kisses, lights out. I realize I forgot to buy a doorknob cover for Mabrey’s room earlier in the day. It was even on my list! Steve rushes off to buy one just in case we need it. I really hope Mabrey sleeps.

8:30 – 9:00 p.m. Layne reads then heads to bed. Steve is back with a 4-pack of doorknob covers. We decide to hold off on installing one until Mabrey is awake. Don’t wake a sleeping dragon!

9:00 – 10:00 p.m. Steve sits next to me in the living room while I edit MORE PHOTOS. At 10:00, he gives me a quick kiss and goes to bed.


10:00 p.m. – 12:45 a.m. With Cheetah snoozing at my side, I finish editing photos, write a post and respond to the most pressing emails in my inbox. I throw in the towel. I need a shower still but I’m too tired. I’ll have to get up extra early the next morning to squeeze in a shower. I change into my pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, set my alarm and slide into bed. It’s frigid and I think about summer and warm sunshine and wonder why the hell I live in Ohio. But I’m grateful for our snug lil’ house, my healthy family and a full day. Cheetah curls up at my feet. I’m out within minutes.


Ground-breaking stuff, eh? Like I said, every day is different. On the days I don’t have tennis, I try to work out at home. Some nights I stay up until 2:00 a.m. cranking out a post just because that’s the only time I have to do it. Once a week, I get groceries. About once a week, Steve brings home dinner. We try to keep things pretty healthy most of the time but indulge every now and then.

NatureBox snacks are a great fit for our lifestyle. We pack them for school, work and on the go. I love that they are free of high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats and artificial sweeteners / flavors / colors. The kids love the way they taste. Eaten on their own or paired with fresh produce, yogurt, oatmeal, etc., they are the perfect pick-me-up. With over 100 snacks to choose from, there’s something for everyone. (I was stoked to see many new options!) I like to keep them on hand for when our groceries are running low and I can’t make it to the store. The subscription service  allows me to choose new & healthy snacks each month. Are you interested in giving NatureBox a try? Keep reading for details on how to win a free 6-month subscription!

PRIZE: Two winners will each win a 6-month subscription to NatureBox.

RULES: You must be at least 18 years old and have a shipping address (no P.O. boxes please) within the U.S. or Canada.

TO ENTER: Browse the ample snack selection here. Then leave a comment on this post sharing which snack you’d most like to try.

DEADLINE: Enter before 9:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, February 12th. Two random winners will be announced Friday, February 13th.

WHILE YOU’RE AT IT: Join NatureBox today and score a FREE sample box of their most popular snacks. Click here to get started. Free trial is available for new and U.S. & Canadian subscribers only. Not valid on gift subscriptions and may not be combined with any other offers.

Good luck and healthy snacking!

*This post is sponsored in part by NatureBox. Thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog. Even if you don’t end up subscribing, I hope you enjoyed a behind-the-scenes look at my everyday.

images: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking



those snacks look delicious! i’d especially like to try the new jalapeno white cheddar popcorn and/or the mocha almond bar!! nom nom


blueberry almonds:)


Coconut Date Energy Bars!!!


The nom noms look fantastic (I’m dreaming of them with an afternoon cup of coffee) and I wonder if my kids would dig the figgy bars.


You had me at praline pumpkin seeds.


I would love to try the dark cocoa nom noms. They look delicious!


Coconut date energy bites! I love seeing your day to day. Makes me feel like my day isn’t so crazy.


Hmm, the french toast granola or the peanut butter nomnoms….or the blueberry almonds…


Roasted garlic pumpkin seeds :)


Guacamole scoops. They had me at guac!


Yum! These snacks look amazing. Toffee almond granola?! And, I’m glad we aren’t the only ones with late dinners :)


The figs look delicious to me, but I know my daughter would love the chocolate banana chips as a treat in the lunchbox.


My hubby would love the Chipotle Maple Almonds!


What a great post. I love Mabrey’s antics! My daughter is a little younger than her, so I can relate. I’d like to try the South Pacific Plantain chips! Yum.


I love snacks, it’s hard to pick one that looks great! Those coconut date energy balls or some jerky or tart and tangy fruit medley! Yum!


The Mango Almond bites look good!


It’s got to be the dark chocolate trail mix. I should pick a healthier one but I am gonna have to stick to that.


Peanut Butter Nom Noms :)


Mmmm Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix? I would love to be munching on it right now!


I love snacking–possibly too hard to choose one that sounds most interesting….although that PB and J granola needs to be tried :)

I’m all over those praline pumpkin seeds!


All of them :) But the siracha cashews sound right up my alley or the peanut butter nom noms, because, peanut butter.


cinnamon almonds are my fave


MMMM the Chocolate Chai Granola looks yummy. Also I love this peek into your day. So very very typical for a SAHM. I think its so wonderful that you carve out time to do something that’s just for you. Its so easy for parents who stay home to lose that when our job is caring for the family and household. Making time for an activity or hobby is so important for overall wellbeing. I know it helps me be a better wife and mother. Also I peeped Steve’s Steelers wear and to that I say GO COWBOYS! ;)


Sriracha cashews sound interesting!


I would definitely need to try the dark chocolate berry trail mix and the coconut date energy bites…those look sooo good!


Oh goodness…how do you choose? I want to eat all of it right this second! (probably doesn’t help it is close to noon and I am looking at their website!) I would mix the cranberry medley with their roasted kettle kernels!! My husband would go jerky all the way and my girls would go for the toasted cheddar sticks !!!


These kinds of posts are some of my favorite… I love seeing the similarities and differences in how we all juggle home, kids and work :)
I’ve been thinking about joining Nature Box for a while… so many fun choices! My top pick would be the Pear Praline Crunch


That PB&J granola looks like a good one to try first… Though my boys might vote for the jalapeño cheddar popcorn!


fun post! would love to try the mocha almond bars!


Mmm…Cranberry Medley. Dried cranberries are the ish!


Dried California Peaches look yummy!


Peanut Butter Nom Noms! Loved seeing your day … sounds familiar to me. LONG days and short years.


Blueberry almond bites or the mango fruit chews!


Orange apple fruit chews would be a HIT with my kids, and the Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mox would be a family-wide favorite, I’m certain.


The jalapeño cashews, Kung Pao Pretzels and sea salt sun crunch have my name written all over them.


I would love to try the coconut date energy bites, Yum!


They all look delicious! Original beef jerky


French Toast Granola or Dried Pears. It all looks yummy.


Salted caramel pretzel pops!


I’m always on the hunt for new, healthy snacks for our family. We live in the country, so our options are pretty limited to what is carried by the local grocery.

I’d love to try the Sriracha pop pops — I think my hubby would love them! Thanks!


I would love to try the Big Island Pineapple!


My husband and I follow a paleo diet and sometimes it can be such a challenge to find snacks that we can eat at the grocery store! We would love to try the coconut date energy bites, orange apple fruit chews, and the praline pumpkin seeds — yum!


I would love to try the PB & J granola and I know my kids would enjoy the dried mango.


The pistachio clusters sound great!


The coconut date energy bites sound delicious, but my kids would love the chocolate banana bites. Yum!


Mmm snacks!!! I would love to try the chocolate banana chips because I love bananas but it all sounds amazing!


Definitely the salted caramel pretzel pops!


A lot of the snacks look really good but the French Toast Granola caught my eye.


Sesame stix all the way!


All the snacks look yummy, but if I got to choose: Peanut Butter Nom Noms, Mango Almond Bites, Sweet Blueberry Almonds


Thank you for the openness on your post today.

I would absolutely jump for joy if any of the NatureBox snacks came to my door, but if I had to choose one, I’d go with anything praline like the Pear Praline Crunch and Praline Pumpkin Seeds. Thanks for hosting the give-away as well!


I would love to try the Banana Bread Granola!


I’m really enjoying the idea of the Pistachio Power Clusters.

Or anything that would make me feel like I don’t have the flu. Blegh.


French Toast Granola or Dried Pears. Or maybe the Pumpkin Seeds. They all look so yummy!


I would love to try Dark Cocoa Nom Noms


Coconut Date Energy Bites…definitely! No sugar added and low fat is right up my alley.


Hi Dana!

I was wondering if you have addressed (or are planning to) toy storage in The Underdog? Your mention of Mabrey playing with Play-Doh made me wonder where you store and use items like that. I have a 2 year old and a 3-month old, similar square footage in our home, but on 2 levels (with a full basement and attic both currently junked up with stuff from our move 2 years ago. I don’t even know where to start! But I digress…). Anyway, I’d love to hear how you manage it, if you get the chance :)



The Parmesan Garlic Pop Pops sound yummy!


praline pumpkin seeds! YUM!


The Peanut Butter Nom Noms sound yummy!


Wow, they have so many options! Right now I think I’d eat the Parmesan Garlic Pop Pops!


I’d love to try the Chocoalte Banana Chips!!!


I love seeing day-in-the-life posts, it’s such an interesting look into people’s lives. My daughter is a week younger than Mabrey and just moved into a big girl bed a couple of weeks ago, so we’ve been dealing with the constant wake-ups, too. Except she won’t actually get out of bed, she just screams for me at the top of her lungs multiple times a night. Super exhausting, plus I’m 30 weeks pregnant with baby #3, so I could do with some sleep.

Anyway, I think any of the Nom Noms would be awesome! They look like they’re basically cookies, but healthy cookies, right? :)


Salted caramel pretzel pops! yes please! but really they all look great! I’ve recently gone back to school at night to get my masters while I’m still working full time. Life is crazy right now, and many nights I’m basically eating a snack for dinner – this would be so helpful – snacks without having to go to the store!!


I would love to win this! Anything covered in siracha sounds amazing, crossing fingers.


So hard to choose! Roasted Peruvian Corn Kernels


the mini Belgian waffles!


Wow, it’s impossible to narrow it down to one! Lemon tea biscuits, dark chocolate pretzel pops, mini Belgian waffles, oh my!


I love these types of posts and a bonus giveaway too! It is so nice to get a glimpse at the real life behind the blogosphere! Thank you so much for sharing! This post made me think – I hope Cheetah was good to your family at Christmas especially to the tree too.

Would LOVE to give NatureBox a try especially the Blueberry Almond Bites & Parmesan garlic pop pops! Crossing my fingers!


I would love to try the French toast granola, thanks for the day in your life, I love to read them!


The jalapeno white cheddar popcorn looks amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!


Mini Belgian Waffles. I think my son would go ga-ga over these.


Peanut Butter Nom Noms. Yum.


MMMM chocolate banana chips!


Wow, your days sound busy!

So many great snack, but the Salted caramel pretzel pops look delicious!


Definitely the mocha almond bars! And thank you for this post and making your perfect life seem more relatable to the rest of us :)


Dark Cocoa Nom Noms!


Play-Doh and other art / crafty things are kept in a cabinet at the kitchen desk (i.e. my workspace). I will write up a post on toys and kid stuff!


My mouth is watering looking at the Jalapeño White Cheddar Popcorn and the Blueberry Greek Yogurt Pretzels, mmmmm!


I cannot WAIT to see the bathroom reveal! Those pictures of Mabrey’s bath were such a wonderful teaser!

Is that a new chair in the living room that I spied? I couldn’t tell if the color was just weird in the picture, or if it was a new chair.

Really liked this post! It’s so fun to peak into other people’s lives sometimes. :)


Wow, this was such a great post, Dana! Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your life. Moms really are superheroes! The NatureBox dark cocoa almonds look AMAZING! I would probably eat too many and then not regret it at all!


The Coconut Date Energy Bites, for sure. I feel like I need some after reading this post. Whew!


coconut date energy bites! yum!


coconut date energy bites! yum!


The mini Belgian waffles look awesome, but I could also go for strawberry crispy chews! Yummy!


Oh man so many good choices… I think I would have to say coconut date energy bites or dark chocolate pretzel pops!!


Honey Macadamia Pretzel Pops look delicious!

Have you tried putting a railing on Mabrey’s crib? When my son first moved into a toddler bed he kept waking up and waking me up in the process. One night my husband slept in his room to see what the problem was, it turns out he was falling out of his bed (onto pillows) and it was waking him up. We installed a railing and he slept through the night, every night!


Would love to try the Dark Chocolate Pretzel Pops or any of them for that matter! :)


I’d love to try most of them, especially the Fruit chews, Honey dijon pretzels and Figgy Bars.


Wow, NatureBox has so many good nut options! Would love to try the Garden Tomato Crunch (may have to order a trial so I can!).


The Lemon Almond Biscotti Bites look delish!


I just tried the trial last week! I’d love to try to chocolate chia granola and the dark chocolate berry trail mix. By the way…after reading your meditation post, I am finishing up second week of Headspace. Finally I’m getting into he groove of meditating…after years of trying. Thanks for all your awesomeness :)


Dark cocoa almonds, for sure!


There are a ton of delicious looking snacks! I would love to try the Dark Chocolate Pretzel balls! I love that your life is as glamorous as the rest of us!


Praline pumpkin seeds
Salted carmel pretzel pops


Yum Id love to try the chipotle maple almonds! Thanks!


I’m exhausted just reading your post. As a stay at home mom, I can relate!

The lemon fig bars and sriracha cashews are at the top of my list.


I am always looking for some healthy snacks to keep in my office and car. I would devour the Jalapeño White Cheddar Popcorn. :)


the chocolate nom noms sounds great!


The coconut date bites…although I’m afraid I would eat all the snacks in one sitting.


Would love to try the Chocolate Banana Chips and the Coconut Date Energy Bites


Yum! French toast granola!!


I’d give the blueberry greek yogurt pretzels a whirl


great giveaway!!! anything mocha the jerky and nom noms.


The Chocolate Chia Granola sounds amazing!


My kiddos would love the tart and tangy fruit medley.


The siracha cashews…yum!!


I would love to try Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix or Cashew Crumble or Mango Orange Fruit Chews….Oh My ~ I would try any of their inventory – it all looks great!


So many fun things! I think the french toast granola or the Dark Chocolate Berry Trail mix!!! Cute post!


roasted garlic pumpkin seeds!!!


I will take some of those Dark Cocoa Almonds! But honestly, it all looks pretty tasty.


Dark Chocolate Pretzel Pops, please!!


apple cinnamon crave


I’m intrigued by the cranberry pepita crisps and I would looove some cinnamon spiced almonds. Thanks for sharing your day! I love these behind-the-scenes posts.


blueberry nom noms and coconut date energy bites. thanks for hosting a fun giveaway.


i would love to try the peanut butter nom nome!


My daughter is very picky about food so it is hard to find food she will eat for her school lunch. It looks like I would have many things to choose from for her, starting with the Lemon Almond Biscotti Bites. Thanks!


Praline pumpkin seeds sound delicious!


Oh gosh. You’re doing a good job, mama. Hugs from Texas, where it is also cold and where I am about to clean the kitchen for the second time today. It won’t be the last.


I think the whole wheat raspberry bars. Lots of good stuff! You really eat healthy.


The salted caramel pretzel pops look super yummy.


PB&J Granola sounds like my kind of healthy!
thanks for the giveaway!!


Pistachio power clusters look great!


All the snacks look great! I think my boys would really enjoy them. I would love to try the chocolate banana chips!


Anything lemon, dark chocolate or spicy!


Great post:)

Peanut butter nom noms sound pretty good.


Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix — sounds great!


Hmmm… I think the chipotle maple almonds. Everyone in my family would snack on them!

I’m in Boston. We had almost 40″ of snow in the last ten days, and we’re due for another 20″ on Sunday. Would love to get some snacks delivered, I don’t know if I can dig out our car again!!


Love the insight to your daily life and so glad I’m not the only one that goes without a shower some days!

I would love to try the pear praline crunch. It would be a great topper on greek yogurt or my frozen banana “Wendy’s frosty” copycat recipe!


Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix, PB Nom Noms…basically anything with chocolate or PB!


All of them! Although the roasted garlic pumpkin seeds sound best


Yum, everything looks delicious! Dark cocoa almonds:)
Tiredness always trumps a shower for me, too. Even after a sweaty, long workout. My poor husband…


I would love a mocha almond bar!


Haha – Mabrey feeding the cat is the best. My twins (same age as M) do that too. Always overfill the bowl, onto the floor, and if I am really lucky, not in the water dish. When are they going to learn to clean the litter box.

My family would crush nearly all the snacks, but the PB Nom Noms look awesome.


I love their salt and pepper pop pops, but for something new I would love to try the praline pumpkin seeds!


oh wow. Praline Pumpkin Seeds – Yum!


We love coconut, so I would have to say the Pineapple Coconut Bars and the Coconut Date Energy Bites. But every thing looks too good!


The Dark Chocolate Pretzel Pops sound really amazing!


Pistachio Power Clusters!! YUM


Sriracha cashews… and most everything non-banana else


salted caramel pretzel pops sound awesoeme!!


Everything looks delicious. My daughter would love the figgy bars, but if I were picking for myself I’d go with the tart & tangy fruit medley. I love the idea of snacks without having to wrangle my toddler through the store.


I have a hankering for something spicy, Sriracha Pop Pops!


Sucker for pistachios….pistachio power clusters!


Everything looks so great! I’d love to try the pistachio clusters, chocolate banana chips and the dark chocolate berry trail mix!


dying to try those south pacific plantains and love the idea of a variety of granolas. Thanks for the giveaway!!


I would love to try the Sriracha Roasted Cashews – they look delish! NatureBox has so many options available! Totally worth trying.


Oh my, it all looks delicious! I’d have to try the mocha almond bar and the praline pumpkin seeds. YUM!


I have such a problem eating something for breakfast, I would definitely choose the oatmeals. another problem I have is limiting handfuls of snacks, so I would also pick from the selection of bars – forced portion control :)


The orange-apple fruit chews look amazing! These look perfect for on-the-go snacks. Thanks for sharing!


Nice to see that other people’s days can be that long and busy. Seems like that never stops sometimes.

As for the food, the South Pacific Plantains sound awesome. It’s hard to find good dried fruit without it being coated in enough sugar added to make it into candy.


The praline pumpkin seeds really have me curious… sounds yummy!


I couldn’t believe how many of the snacks on NatureBox i wanted to try after having a look. The Pistachio Power Clusters are the most enticing to me now, I’m away looking for protein in my snacks, something small but will keep me full and give me energy. Looking forward to my sample to arrive in the mail!!


All of it looks really good!! I’d like to try the guacamole bites..those sound interesting!


Siracha cashews and cranberry medley!!! I too just started sleep traing my two year old boy to his big boy bed last weekend. Oh how dread going to bed now knowing what the night brings! This too shall pass☺️


What a great contest! The strawberry carrot fruit chews look AMAZING!! Yum!


So many delicious options to choose from! If I had to pick two, I’d pick the mocha almond bar and the whole wheat raspberry figgy bars.


Peanut butter nom noms – yummm


Peanut buter nom noms. Blueberry almonds. I don’t know if these would help or hurt in our house – they look so yummy I think I would have a self control problem :)


jalapeno cashews!!!


Guac bites – hands down.


I need those figgy oat bars in my life!


I got to be honest, sometimes your posts make me feel like my house and design interests are majorly lacking your kind of effort :(. I love everything about your home that it sometimes makes me feel disappointed in my own, but posts like this helps me realize that all of us moms deal with similar issues and I shouldn’t be so hard on myself (as I sit her typing my 10 month old is removing every wipe from the bag and I’m not stopping her) ! I can totally relate to not getting enough sleep and waking up exhausted, my baby wakes up at least 3 times a night for 10 months now and that makes me drag in every area of my life. I can also relate to playing tennis, that’s my two times a week sanity break! If I didn’t have tennis I would definitely lose it.


I loved your voice and am in awe of your stamina. I know that we do what we have to do in the situations we’re placed, but you still did twice as much in your day as I feel like I do in mine.

For snacks, I’d pick the guacamole bites. I’ve been all about the savory treats since cutting back on my sugar intake (hello addiction)


I’d love to try the coconut date energy bites!


I would love to try the Mango Fruit Chews!! Perfect hint of Summer!


Jalapeno cashews!


Everything sounds delicious, but Guac Bites sound awesome.


It’s a toss up – jalapeno cashews or Peruvian corn kernels.


Garlic roasted pumpkin seeds!

Thank you!


I love their coconut date energy bites and chocolate covered almonds!


Coconut date energy bites. Yummy!


I would love to try the strawberry carrot fruit chews and the chocolate hazelnut granola!


i want the chocolate chia granola! and everything else : )


Blueberry greek yogurt pretzels!


Mmmm…want to try the chocolate banana chips!! :)


i’d love to try the coconut date energy bites!


Ahh snacks! So many options. I would do the Praline Pumpkin Seeds (as you mentioned them in the post, I was like UM YES, that) for myself or the BBQ Kettle Kernels for my fiancé Will.

I’m always looking for something to satisfy my sweet tooth without eating a bunch of candy, so I think the Dark Cocoa Sun-Crunch looks good!


I’d like to try the cranberry medley on my oatmeal. And then check out the original beef jerky because IT’S BEEF JERKY!


the Sriracha Roasted Cashews got me all excited!!! I recently tried sriracha flavored green peas and they were delicious but I’m sure these are so much healthier!!!


I would love to try the pineapple coconut bars!!


The french toast granola looks GOOD :)


Coconut Date Energy Bites sound tasty!


Wow! Everything looks great! Pistachio power clusters and praline pumpkin seeds area at the top of my list. Thanks for the chance to win. xo


Chocolate Banana Chips!


Coconut date energy bites look delish!


Wow! It all looks so good, lets say the Coconut date energy bars.


I’d love to try the French Toast Granola. I’m completing a no-sugar detox and I think these would be some great snack options when I’m finished detoxing.


Hard to pick just one but I would go for the Cranberry Almond bites.


mango almond bites have my name written all over them!


The white chedder popcorn sounds wonderful! Thanks!!


The coffee kettle popcorn!


The mocha almond bars sound amazing.


How did Mabrey get so big? I don’t know, maybe I’m just thinking about the day you announced you were preggo? Anyway, I’m a sleep consultant and I’m happy to provide some tips to battle the big kid issues. (for free of course). Let me know!


With 3 kids 3 and under (including a newborn), I can completely relate to this post and the lack of showering:) I would be totally down with NatureBox. Sounds like the perfect solution for healthy snacks on the go!


Roasted Peruvian Corn Kernels sounds intriguing…


Everything sounds delicious! I’m all for anything cranberry so I’d go for the cranberry almond bites.


So many good choices but the Sriracha Roasted Cashews sound amazing – thanks!


Awesome giveaway! I am feeling really inspired to write down a day in my life so I will remember what life looks like with a 3 month old.

Jalapeno White Cheddar Popcorn? Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix? I’m sold.


Hands Down, Orange Apple Fruit chews. I have been having crazy bad cravings for everything sweet and chewy, it would be great to have a snack that’s not just jellied sugar. :)


Cashew crumble!


Blueberry Greek Yogurt Pretzels?! Yes please!


So many choices! I would have to choose Mango Almond Bites!


The french toast granola sounds amazing!


I love day-in-the-life posts. Thanks for sharing! I would try the pistachio power clusters or French toast granola!


French toast granola? Sign me up!

I enjoyed this post. I even want to look into Nature Box, which is the whole point of a sponsored post of course. I just think you worked it in an effective way.


The pistachio power clusters look delish!


All of the granola sounds so good!!


Coconut date energy bars, and mango bites! I enjoyed you post. I also have two boys & a girl just a bit older. My oldest – 13 year old son- eats CONSTANTLY ~ extra snacks would be handy!


Honey macadamia pretzel pops sound amazing! My kids would love the snacks they offer! So nice to find quick and easy food that is healthy for my family.


Dark chocolate berry trail mix!


Not a new chair…just covered in blankets because it’s coooooolllld here!


The dark chocolate pretzel pops sound amazing!


The love note to Steve and ‘I pretend not to hear the words “butt” and “poop.”’ were my favorite parts of your post. Thank you for sharing your own normal. It’s not much different from so many of ours, though your after-school snacks are much better styled. :)

Oh, and I’d eat the you-know-what out of those peanut butter nom noms.


Chocolate quinoa granola and cashew clusters.


I would like to try the Chocolate Chia Granola


The garlic plantains sound delish!


I’d love the santa fe corn sticks! thanks for the post


Peanut Butter Nom noms….or chocolate hazlenut granola!


citrus kick almonds. yummers!


Mmmm I’d love to try the dark chocolate berry trail mix. Your post made me hungry!


i would love to try the everything bagel stix!


I fear for the teenage years.


Thanks Joellyn. That means a lot.


It was actually kinda endearing to document a regular day just to have something to look back on in the future. I think I might start doing it on a quarterly basis.


Sometimes I trade sleeping for showering ;)


I know. She turns 3 in two months!


Some days are more blog-focused, some days are more family-focused but MOST days are a little of both which leaves me feeling a bit scatterbrained. I swear by getting in a little workout time. I’ve used all the excuses (no time, no money, no childcare, etc.) but I always ALWAYS get a boost after sweating it out. I feel like I make better decisions and have more energy for the rest of the day.


the belgian waffles, beef jerky, and sea peas look awesome!


Tennis FTW!

I sometimes feel inadequate and lazy after reading other blogs. I don’t want that here. It’s taken lots of work and time to get our house where it is now. I hope that comes through. (main bathroom reno, cough cough) We do our best but family and health come first. If I’m especially tired, the house and the blog can wait. It kills me that I’m not able to post every day but it’s just not sustainable for me.

Please don’t feel disappointed. You are doing great!


Cheetah is the cutest!
Lots of delicious options. The orange apple fruit chews look yummy.


FYI – The doorknob cover worked WONDERS. Mabrey has slept in her room all night the past two nights. I hope it continues…


Oh, she has tried to clean the litter box. I won’t go into details but IT WAS AWFUL.


I feel like a complete loser when I go to bed dirty. But some days it’s just not in the cards.


I really loved this post. So fun to sneak a peek at your day-to-day doings. Also… how did you cut your lunch apples so thin?!? That must’ve taken ages! Lol.

Prailine Pumpkin seeds Yum!


I can only pick one??? I thought I wasn’t a snack food person until browsing through their list… The Chipotle Maple Almonds sound AMAZING…and addictive. :)


Stay warm!


Loved this!

It would be so hard to choose…but those Guacamole bites look too intriguing to pass up!!!


I want one of everything! So do the kids


Chocolate chia granola, yum!


Anything with cocoa or chocolate is good in my book, so I’m down with the dark cocoa “nom noms” or Chocolate Chia Granola :)


And seriously, your days are long, and hats off to you!


I don’t eat healthy 100% of the time. When groceries start running low we like Five Guys and Dewey’s Pizza! I’m not a fanatic, just try to keep it healthy most of the time.


Glad you’re enjoying it!


Believe me, nothing is perfect over here!


Cheetah did great with the tree! She’s good to us ;)


Oh my! So hard to choose, but, today I think the Cashew Power Clusters are calling my name!


If they’re thin, it feels like I’m eating more ;)


Those praline pumpkin seeds look delicious! I love finding new things to add to my oatmeal, or yogurt…change it up a bit, so I don’t get bored!


WOW….such fabulous goodies…..gotta love their :Whole Wheat Lemon Figgy Bars”….thanks for the great giveaway! Cheers, Valerie :)


I am tired just reading this post. I would try the cheddar pretzels or the cocoa almonds. Both sound delish.


So many to choose from! I’d love to try the mocha almond bar.


The sweet blueberry almonds sound great! I don’t think I’ve seen that combo before.

Thanks for the great giveaway!


so many good ones but cheddar pretzels or jalapeno white cheddar popcorn look great!


The french toast granola and french vanilla almond granola sound great!


Yummy…Lemon tea biscuits for me.


Praline pumpkin seeds for me please!


Definitely the coffee kettle popcorn for me! Love your day-in-life post — you’re keeping it real and the rest of us tired moms appreciate knowing we’re not alone :)


Great post. Homemade granola for sure. It looks so tasty with the strawberries. It feels silly asking this, but can you tell me where you got your gray long sleeve?


That pb&pj granola!!


I think the dark cocoa nom noms look and soynd really yummy


Thanks, Dana :)


Peanut Butter Nom Noms, yum!


OMG, Chocolate quinoa granola. Need it now.


wow – you lead a crazy life – good for you that you fit it all in.

I love the sea salt sun crunch – sounds terrific!


Hard to choose just one, but the apple pie oat clusters sound delicious.


French toast granola and Praline pumpkin seeds both sound delicious!


The praline pumpkin seeds sounds delicious.


It’s a toss up between the Coconut Date Energy Bites or the Salted Caramel Pretzel Bites….yummmm


The salted caramel pretzel pops sound delicious!!


the coconut date energy bites sound yummy! And your house sounds like mine…


Chocolate chia granola!


Praline pumpkin seeds…yum!!


I can’t wait to try the Coconut Date Energy Bites. Sounds like a yummy and healthy snack. Thanks.


Just a note to say how much I enjoy reading your blog! I happened upon this space a little while back and have loved following along as you’ve decorated, vacationed, welcomed a fiddle leaf fig and cat into your home (which one is more high maintenance!?). We have 2 kids and your day very much seems like mine. Hard work, but we wouldn’t change it for anything. Re the nature box: hello Dark Chocolate Pretzel Pops and Guacamole Bites!


cocoa nom noms or the cocoa covered almonds…or any of the fruit chews.


Mmm sourdough cheddar pretzels!


For sure I’d go for the Greek Yogurt Pretzels, but I’d also sneak in the Blueberry Almond Bites. Everything looks delicious while you’re on a 3-week cleanse, though ;)


Peanut Butter Nom Noms!


yummmm….Honey Macadamia Pretzel Pops. and sweet blueberry almonds!! but all of it looks amazing!


dark chocolate pretzel pops! YUM.


Either those pistachio power clusters or the dark chocolate almonds sound like perfection to me!


Love the blog, I always enjoy reading to see what you and your family are up to. Nature box sounds amazing…I’d love to try the original beef jerky!


Jalapeno white cheddar popcorn or Parmesan garlic pop pops! Look yummy!


First, thanks for keeping it real, as always. I love that you used a “day in the life” post to do your sponsored post and didn’t fake any scenarios just to bring in the product. Looks like your family really likes the snacks, which is awesome (for you and your sponsor!). Loved this post and getting a small peek into your life. You are inspiring! Would love to try the French Vanilla Almond Granola. Yum! :)


mmmm…dark cocoa almonds all the way!


Dark chocolate berry trail mix. It’s hard to choose…so many great looking and sounding snacks!


Mmm… sriracha cashews! Your day sounds absolutely exhausting.


The coconut date energy bites sound good (along with EVERYTHING else!). Thanks for sharing your life and snacks, too :)


The Big Island Pineapple looks delicious!


Definitely pistachio clusters – YUM


i love “snooping” through day-in-the-life posts, and this didn’t disappoint! hope you have a better night!

i’d love to try the french toast granola and am happy this contest is open to Canadians.:)


Holy yum, greek yoghurt pretzels please. I have never even tried them but I’m already in love with them.


Aw, thanks Madalena. Sponsored posts are tricky. Personally, I like it when bloggers offer up other info / ideas than just the brand wordage so I try to do that. Plus, it’s easy when the brand is actually a part of your everyday.


The chocolate maple almonds look delicious!


I’m lucky. Both the tree and cat are pretty low maintenance. The cat requires more day-to-day work but she’s a lot cuddlier, too ;)


I think it’s from Target a few years back. I like anything heathered gray!


We might be tired, but we aren’t alone ;)


Sriracha roasted cashews for salty and dried peaches for sweet! Yum!


Chocolate Banana Chips would rock my world!!!! I would love to win!

Thanks for sharing your day and a glimpse into your life. I love your blog and your honesty!


Cranberry almond bites sound great.


Dried mango please! Yum.


Nickel Creek! I knew I liked you!

I honestly think I would like every single one, but for the sake of the contest :) let’s say Sriracha Cashews.

Michele :)


Dark chocolate anything…the only way to go!


Chocolate banana chips and Kung Pao pretzels!


This is a nice giveaway. I am excited they deliver to Canada I was unaware. I’d like to try the Dark Cocoa Sun Crunch they look yum!


Yum…I am hungry! Right this moment I think blueberry almond bites sound good.


They have so many yummy snack options, it’s hard to choose! I bet I’d love the sea peas and the sriracha pop pops. Thanks for the chance to win!


Guacamole bites, ranch sunflower seeds, and plantain chips!


That all look great! I’m happy to see they have added lots of new snacks. I may have to try nature box out again. Praline pumpkin seeds sound delicious!


Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels, Lemon Tea Biscuits, Lemon Almond Biscotti Bites…Yum!


I’m with Steve, I’d love the coconut energy bites. I LOVE that they have a vegan option for those of us with egg allergies.


lots of the snacks sounds really tasty, i would like the try the cheddar and onion sunflower kernals..

and i need to document my day, i sit here and it’s 8pm i have yet to eat dinner and i can’t remember what i did today, but im sure i did alot.. thanks for sharing! and thanks for the giveaway!


Blueberry nom nom!


Such a good post!! I don’t know why one of the hardest thing for moms of young children to do is shower, but it is! It’s so endearing to read about your day, from start to finish. The good, the bad, the wry, the hilarious, the sweet! For snacks, the various kinds of pretzel bites sound interesting and worth trying! Honey Dijon? Honey Macadamia?! Yum!


Chocolate banana chips!


Great post! I would love the praline pumpkin seeds.
You are an inspiration and love that you keep it real.
Thanks for another great give away.


Chocolate banana chips, pretty please! :)


Thanks for sharing a day in the life :)
I’d love to try jalapeño cashews.


Siracha cashews #ftw.

Love the post. Thanks for sharing!


I would love to try the mango almond bites!


Dark Cocoa Almonds!


Mango Almond bites please…however the apple blueberry oatmeal sounds delish!


Banana bread granola? Awesome.


i always choose sleep over showering.
I would order the cashew crumble and dried pears.


Chocolate banana chips hands down.


The chocolate banana chips! Your day is like my day.
Lots of tired and love.

Mm, praline pumpkin seeds! And thanks for sharing your day.


The chocolate banana bites sound quite delicious!


The honey dijon pretzels are my favorite, but my 17 month old loves the figgy bars.


Those whole wheat blueberry figgy bars have my name ALL OVER them!

Great post, Dana — been reading your blog for years now (wow, how time flies) and it’s always such a pleasure to get a little peak into your life! Thanks for sharing and keepin’ it real!


Yes, I would LOVE to try these snacks! The jalapeño white cheddar popcorn in particular. I am helpless in the face of white cheddar popcorn of any kind. A healthier option would be amazing!


Chocolate chia granola sounds amazing! It was so fun getting a glimpse into your day.


Praline pumpkin seeds sound delish and so does the jalapeño white popcorn. Everything sounds yummy!


I’d love the fig bars!


I want to try the Dark Cocoa Nom Noms!


My goodness, all their food looks so good it’s tough to choose…but, I would probably go with the Banana Bread Granola or the Blueberry, Apple & Sunflower Seed Oatmeal!
Thanks for the great post!


I couldn’t help myself, I signed up for the free trial!


I’m a sucker for cheesy snacks. The asiago and cheddar cheese crisps sound awesome!


Yum! Can’t wait to try the coffee kettle popcorn.


Sour cream and onion almonds


ohh the praline pumpkin seeds sound delicious!


The dark cocoa almonds sound amazing!


This too will pass.
Dana I am tired now after reading your post and those short gloomy days of winter do not help, bring on the sunshine. I find putting in the time and effort to exercise definitely helps and just sitting in a sunbeam and daydreaming…I have finally come to the realization that winter is just that time to snuggle and embrace my home and family until Spring arrives.


the praline pumpkin seeds sound amazing!


All the popcorn! My favorite snack! Seriously, so many good choices. We’d love it!


Can I have both the apple pie oat clusters and the blueberry greek yogurt pretzels?

The blueberry almonds look awesome!


Peanut Butter Nom Noms sound pretty awesome.

I so admire women who make it happen everyday for their families and themselves. You make it look easy even though I know it isn’t. This post makes me proud to be a woman. We are the bedrock and you set an excellent example.


It’d be impossible to choose just one favorite! The toffee almond granola, southern BBQ sunflower kernels and honey dijon pretzels all sound amazing!


I think the Sriracha Roasted Cashews & the Mango orange Fruit chews!


chipotle maple almonds, for sure!


Love this peek into your life! Sounds so familiar! Where is Mabrey’s snack bag from? Love it. We have some but they are much smaller. Thanks!


cranberry almond bites! thanks!


Dark chocolate pretzel pops! Yummy!


i trade showers for sleep about half the time; glad im not the only one who does it semi-regularly ;)

…but i would probably trade a few minutes of sleep for SOURDOUGH CHEDDAR PRETZELS bc I’m literally salivating at the words right now.


My family would love to try the jalapeno cashews! We try to eat a mostly paleo diet as well and there seem to be some great options that are available!


PB Granola PLEASE!!!


I love naturebox. I had to put a hold on my subscription recently because I couldn’t afford the $20 a month fee which seems ridiculous right about now. Those praline pumpkin seeds are awesome, as are the sriracha cashews.


Dark Chocolate pretzel pops please! Everything looks tasty!


Those coconut date energy bites sound good!


The garlic parmesan pop pops look delicious!


I really want to try the Coconut Date Energy Bites you mentioned!

But after browsing I want to try so many more – Sriracha Pop Pops, Everything Bagel Stix, Garden Tomato Crunchies, Sea Peas, Strawberry Carrot Fruit Chews, Cranberry Pepita Crisps… I’m so hungry now!


I would love to try the blueberry almond bites or the coconut date energy bites!! They have so many that sound SO good!!!!


praline pumpkin seeds sound delicious! Thanks for sharing your day and keeping it real!


garlic pumpkin seeds and guacamole bites (who knew that could be a thing?!)… but they all sound awesome!


I’d always seen the ads for NatureBox on facebook but never really looked into it…now that I am I regret not doing it sooner, everything looks great! I definitely love having healthy snacks to bring to work (currently sitting at my desk munching at this very moment). I think I’m most intrigued by the Chocolate Banana Chips and Guacamole Bites though!


I had no idea NatureBox delivered to Canada! Very excited, the snacks look wonderful. The banana bread granola looks delish! I hope it warms up for you in Ohio, it is freezing cold here is well.


pineapple coconut granola bars… we are granola bar junkies over here!


I immediately went to these: dark cocoa almonds. Thanks, Dana!


I loved this post! I’ve never tried NatureBox though I’ve been seeing mention of it everywhere. I’m especially intrigued by the blueberry nom noms though everything looks delectable!


Gosh, how do you decide….Probably the Dark Cocoa almonds…(2nd and 3rd would be Pistachio Power clusters or Mocha almond bars).


The banana chips would be a hit with my kiddos!

I had to laugh at your Ohio comment. I live in the greater Cincinnati area too and have asked this to myself & others many times – in those exact words!


Jalapeno cashews! Chocolate Banana Chips! Who’s kidding, I would like one of each!


Yum! There are so many things that look interesting and delicious. I think the lemon tea biscuits would be a great sweet treat — I’m a sucker for lemon flavored things. Jalapeno cashews would certainly help tame my need for spicy, crunchy snacks in the afternoon!


The chipotle maple almonds – they just sound pretty tasty to me with a spicy-sweet mix! I like the variety of the snacks and am hoping that these would provide an easy way of broadening my toddler’s ever-increasing stubborn refusal to eat a wide-variety of food groups.


The jalapeno cashews sound delish!


My kids have been buggy me to order Nature Box! I’d like to try the date coconut energy bites.


The Sriracha Pop Pops and Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels look great to me!


The antioxidant boost snacks would be perfect for work.


I would love to try the praline pumpkin seeds. Most of the snacks just sound sooooo good. I have an 3 year old and nursing 7month old so snacks are part of my existence! Lol


I would love to try the Chocolate Hazelnut Granola! Thank you!


Everything looks and sounds so yummy! I think I would be most interested in trying Chocolate Hazelnut Granola or the dried pears.


I would love to try the Cashew Crumble!


Hi! Dark chocolate berry trail mix, but seriously everything! My girls are 12 and 16 and eat more than my husband and I do! It’s frightening. :) Loved seeing your day, thanks so much for sharing.


All the snacks sound SO YUMMY! I think I would love to try the Sriracha Rice Crackers – to start ;)

Hope Mabrey starts sleeping through the night (regularly) for you!


Wow! I have never looked at naturebox before, but they have so many yummy-looking snacks. The snack that caught my eye first-the sour cream and onion almonds. Whoa. Yum. I’d love to win this subscription. It’s good to see bloggers are normal too. :)


The roasted garlic pumpkin seeds are calling my name.


They all look delicious!!
I’d love to try Whole Wheat Lemon Figgy bars and Dark Cocoa Sun-Crunch!
I’m also going back to tennis lessons in a couple of weeks after a several-year hiatus. Looking forward to it!


sriracha cashews!


I have been wanting to try this service — in fact, I almost signed up twice. Today might be the day. I have an obsession with granola bars. The Pineapple Coconut Bar sounds great!


guacamole bites! yum.


You weren’t kidding, what a selection! The Pistaschio Power Clusters really caught my eye.


French vanilla almond granola…


The coconut date energy bites love fantastic.


I loved this post Dana, I don’t know how to describe it but it makes me feel like we’re all in it together or something. Lots of good looking snacks to choose from, but the white cheddar jalepeno popcorn looks like my jam.


Love to try the salted caramel pretzel pops!


I would like to try any flavor of the figgy bars. They are something I can’t make for myself and I feel like they are gently on your stomach, even if you eat them as a pre-workout snack. Thanks!


Sea- Salt Sun Crunch! Looks so yummy for that 3:00 snack attack at work.


Mmmmm I love the look of the Pear Praline Crunch!!!


I love posts like this one. Thanks for sharing a sneak peak into your daily life!

And I would looooove to try the Dark Chocolate Berry Trail Mix — looks delish!


I would love to try the toffee almond granola!


First, I could never survive on so little sleep. I go to bed right after my kids at 9 p.m. So hats off to you, clearly people who think bloggers have a cush job need to read this post!

And also, I would try the power pistachio clusters to get a little protein energy to make it to 9. I’m so lame!


Anything with Blueberries!!!


oh, do I have to pick just one?? I hope not!! I want to try the whole wheat raspberry figgy bars: https://naturebox.com/browse#product/whole-wheat-raspberry-figgy-bars and the chocolate quinoa granola https://naturebox.com/browse#product/chocolate-quinoa-granola and and and !!


I can’t get enough Sriracha in my life. I’d love to try the Srircacha pop pops!


Thanks for sharing a day in the life and the Nature Box give away. I have an Everett too. He is 6 months and I’m still nursing- that’s why I need these snacks. I would eat the sriracha roasted cashews with dried mango slices. yum


Dark chocolate berry trail mix :)


chocolate banana chips


Honey Dijon pretzels. :)


I bought them from an etsy shop a few years. Sadly, it no longer exists but there should be plenty of similar bags in other shops.


Thanks for reading. x


Do it! I thought it would be lame but I think it will be fun to took back at this years from now. I’m going to start doing this quarterly, methinks.


Coconut Date Energy Bites. My grandma used to make date-filled sandwich cookies and I think these will remind me of those cookies:)


I want to try all of the vegan options!


I knew what snack I wanted and then saw Dewey’s pizza and now I forgot. The Edgar Allen Poe please!!! One of the things I miss in Ohio.

The chocolate banana chips I believe, but seriously everything looks good.


Ahhhhh, Deweeeeeeeeeey’s.


Strawberry Crispy Chews!


pistachio power clusters — yummy!


banana nut granola


The parmesan garlic pop pops make me wanna say, “GIMME!”


Everything looks delicious but the Mini Belgian Waffles would be my first pick!


Coconut Date Energy Bites please and thank you!


I think I would like the lemon tea biscuits! Everything looks so good!


It was hard to decide, everything looks so good! I love popcorn thou, so I’d have to say the jalopeno white cheddar popcorn :)


excited to try the oatmeal! Love all of the new treats!


Apple Pie Oat Clusters, but they all look good!


PB&J granola! yum!


Mocha Almond Bar pls.


fun post :) I am doing whole30 so the coconut date energy bites seem amazing! great giveaway! and yeah open to Canada!


you had me at beef jerky :)


I would like to try the Mocha Almond Bar!


The mango almond bites sounds wonderful.


The pistachio power clusters look really good!


mom’s never have enough time, do we?! love the idea of nature box! i was just thinking of ordering it directly to my office so i avoid the afternoon lure of the snack machine! the salted carmel pretzel bites sound delish!


I would love to try the jalapeño cashews.


Wow. Any of the Nom Noms or the Sunflower Kernels.


Any of the Nom Noms.


the Sriracha Pop Pops sound amazing!


I would love to try the french toast granola!


Apple pie oat clusters? Yes, please!


White cheddar jalapeño popcorn sounds delicious!


I think that the roasted garlic pumpkin seeds sound perfect!


Those dark cocoa nom noms…they sound delicious! I could use one right about now…


Dark chocolate berry trail mix (or anything with chocolate)!


I’d love to try the Peanut Butter Nom Noms.


The jalepeno cashews sound good!


I’d try the chocolate bananas chips


Sea peas look interesting!


I think the kids would love Dried California Peaches!


Dark cocoa almonds – yum!


Some roasted cashews would be yummy, however the Mini Waffles would be perfect for the cookie butter from TJs :)




Omg that pic of Steve is soooo good! And those sriracha pop pops look amazing!


I know this was a sponsored post, but it still felt relevant to your site and I actually enjoyed it, as I can so relate to so much if it. I feel like as a parent, you are forced to make so many big and little choices constantly and I’m so much more aware of the consequences (sleep vs. shower, workout vs. get dinner prepped so kids can get to bed on time…) of those choices. Glad to see that I’m not alone in that. :)

You’ve also sold me on Naturebox, especially with a newborn coming any day now! We love following a (mostly) paleo diet and it would be awesome to have things to our home sent without me having to remember to do it. We will definitely be trying the pear chips and mango chips soon. Yum!


The oatmeal . . . I’ve been looking for a “cleaner” version of prepared easy-to-make oatmeal for hubby to eat at work. For me, the mocha almond bars. And you can’t go wrong with nuts!


It’s nice to know your days are just as chaotic as mine! The sriracha cashews are calling my name, the rest of the snacks look awesome.


Banana nut granola


Pistachio cashews, yum!


oops! Jalapeno cashews!!


The sriracha roasted cashews look amazing!


Chocolate Hazelnut Granola!


Honey Macadamia Pretzel Pops


Holy moly, so many yummy options! I’m going to say ‘cocoa yum yums’. (But it was hard to choose)


I’d definitely want to try out the praline pumpkin seeds and the sourdough cheddar pretzels


Praline Pumpkin Seads puh-lease! and thank you :) . . . and maybe some dark cocoa almonds too


White Cheddar Jalapeno Popcorn please!!! Great, now I am hungry!


The Pistachio Power Clusters had me at “pistachio.”


Salted Carmel pretzel pops or coconut date energy bites.


I think all of the snacks look yummy, but I’m super excited about the Coffee Kettle Popcorn!!


Chocolate chia granola sounds good! Thank you:)


There are so many to choose from!!! I’d like to try the peanut butter non noms and dark cocoa almonds. Chocolate and peanut butter are my weaknesses!


Pistaschio Power Clusters – looove pistaschios!


I’d love to try the salted caramel pretzel pops.


Strawberry crispy chews sound interesting. Thanks for offering this give-away!


The nom noms!! Peanut butter….but they all look good. Signing up for them, yum!


Blueberry Nom Noms!


So many wonderful snack choices! I’d like to try the whole wheat lemon figgy bars. mocha almond bars, and dark chocolate berry trail mix.


Lemon Fig Bars please! And February 12th is my birthday…. I’m just sayin….
But I really did enjoy this post and the honesty in the writing and pictures!


Coconut Date Energy Bars


Whole wheat lemon figgy bars!


I would love to try the french vanilla almond granola


I would love to try the Dark Cocoa Nom Noms!


Southern bbq sunflower kernels look yummy.


Anti-oxidant boost.


Pistachio Power Clusters look appealing.


i’d love to add the cranberry medley to my morning oatmeal, and try the jalapeño white cheddar popcorn for my afternoon snack.


Coconut date bites!! Yum!


The dark chocolate pretzel pops sound delish!


This is a really lovely post Dana. I agree, even a little bit of exercise a day helps me stay more focused, energized and happy. All the snacks look great and I’m excited to try some. Dark chocolate berry trail mix looks delicious!


I would love the jalapeno cashews!


Hi Dana – I would love to try the dark chocolate berry trail mix.


blueberry greek yogurt pretzels? yummy!!! or maza chips? yay!


I love reading how other moms feed their families. I’m struggling a lot with my six year old, and my thirty year old (husband). Naturebox looks great! I’d love to try the jalapeño cashews.


I’d like to try the peanut butter nom noms ,and the Jalepeno white cheddar popcorn!


Yum! hard to pick just one….but the PB&J Granola sounds good!


French toast granola!!


bbq kettle kernels look like a fun snack!


the Sriacha Cashews look amazing! And the white Chedder jalapeños popcorn looks good too.


Normally I’d go for something sweet, but those sour cream and onion almonds are calling my name.


Would love the Whole Wheat Strawberry Figgy Bars


The Mini Belgian Waffles look delicious!


Siracha roasted cashews!


Orange apple fruit chews sound delicious!


Dark choc berry trail mix looks so yummy!


Yes, I love this idea! And if you post a “day in the life” quarterly, then it will remind me to do it as well. Love your blog, Jill


Those mango orange fruit chews look amazing as well as the blueberry almonds!


Dark choc berry trail mix! Would love to try these.


Great variety of choices!!!
Would love to try the dark chocolate pretzel pops! Anything w/ dark chocolate sounds delicious!


Wow! 500 + replies! Congrats :)

I have a hard time choosing a pick — but the french toast granola looks yummy!

Glad to learn I am not the only one who doesn’t get to shower every day :)
Btw.. I love your blog and thank you for the inspiration…


They all look delicious, but I’d like to try the chocolate hazelnut granola.


Coconut date bites! Thanks!


yum – – dried pears!


Roasted Peruvian Corn Kernels FTW!


I would love to try the jalapeno white cheddar popcorn! I can’t eat popcorn very often, so it would be a delicious treat


Chocolate Hazelnut Granola


I think the chocolate banana chips would be a great healthy desert! (Which we have to eat every night…)


I would love to try the Blueberry Greek Yogurt Pretzels!!


Toffee almond granola or chocolate hazelnut granola…yum!


Wait…I have to pick one? I’m 6 months pregnant, I’ll have them all, thank you! But the honey crunch crisps do look especially good right about now :)


so many to choose from! hazelnut chocolate granola or any of the pretzel bites flavors for sure


South Pacific Plantains! My little one is 8 months and I thought the days were long now…


the dark chocolate pretzel pops look great!


Love the look at your day! I’ve been surprised to recently realize my kids are actually fairly adventurous eaters. I’ve been considering this subscription to find some healthy new treats they would enjoy. I think my oldest would be interested in trying the “sea peas”!


This is a wonderful post. I fell in love with your house at your instagram page, and here I am.
I would love to try chocolate banana chips and dried mango from NatureBox (I’m sure I’ll dream about them tonight).


The coconut date energy bars sound yummy!


Guacamole bites!


Sourdough cheddar pretzels! Ymmm. Thanks for the opportunity!


The cranberry almond bite look amazing! This service looks amazing I need to look into it more.


Their dried pineapple is fantastic!


The peanut butter nom noms look so good! Nature Box snacks would be perfect for my work bag instead of heading to the vending machine every afternoon!


Choc hazelnut granola looks amazing!


Chocolate banana chips without a doubt! Yum!


coconut date energy bites, please!


Peanut butter nom noms and jerkey! I’ve always wanted to try nature box. ..


What a fun post! I think I always have that “I’m forgetting something” feeling. haha.

Whole wheat strawberry figgy bars! They remind me of what I used to eat as a kid. :)


It’s hard to decide… But the sourdough cheddar pretzels look good!


The Strawberry Chews please!! And as my grandmother always said about any phase us kids were in – be it diapers, night time wake ups or staying up all night giggling on the phone – “this too shall pass”. I am often saying it to myself these days!


I’ve been so curious about Naturebox! I’m really interested in basically anything with Nom nom in the title and blueberry nom noms in particular…


There are so many great options! I’m most interested in the nom noms. With our first baby on the way (in less than two weeks!), I can envision that a subscription would help fortify me for late night feedings. Even now, I’m up in the middle of the night having a snack.

It was nice to read about your day! I hope that Mabrey has been sleeping.


I’d love to try the Pistachio Power Clusters. Snacks like this are great with little ones and when on the go!


dark chocolate pretzel pops, please!


I loved seeing this peek into your daily routine with your sweet family. I think I’d try the Teriyaki Beef Jerky, yum!


praline pumpkin seeds – thanks!


The Sriracha Roasted Cashews sound amazing!


The jalapeno white cheddar popcorn looks delicious!


Sea Salt Sun-Crunch! Or, you know, just one of everything. ;-)


The praline pumpkin seeds sound delicious!


dark chocolate berry trail mix

If only more people would take an in depth look at an average day they could see how many beautiful small moments there are. I loved this post!


I’d like to try the chocolate banana chips


wow they have a lot of fun snacks to try. The STRAWBERRY CRISPY CHEWS look very yummy.


I would love to try the dark chocolate berry trail mix. I just bought something similar at Whole Foods, but the Nature Box version sounds even better.


I’d like to try the Pineapple Coconut Bar.


I would like to try te Sriracha Pop Pops.


I would love to try the Pistachio Power Clusters! Yum!


The dark cocoa nom noms look amazing!


They all look so good! I’m a salt lover over sweets so Teriyaki beef jerky and Sourdough chedder pretzels :)


The praline pumpkin seeds sound awesome!


I would love to try the sea salt pop pops.


Wow, so many yummy choices! I would love to try the Dried California Peaches and Salted Caramel Pretzel Pops.


ooh, so hard to choose….but i think i’d start with Blueberry Nom Noms….nom, nom, nom, nom….


Mmm… So many good options! The French toast granola sounds amazing!


Ooh, I think if love the chocolate chia granola or the mini-medjoolss. Mmmm


Holy cow, I had no idea NatureBox had so many options. The dried pears and citrus kick almonds sound awesome.


I’d love to try the jalapeno cashews…but it all looks so good!


I’d love to try the everything bagel sticks they sound great.


Lemon Tea Biscuits! :)


Chocolate chia granola!!!


Praline pumpkin seeds sound yummy


I’d like to try the jalapeño white cheddar popcorn.


pistachio power clusters for starters. so many good choices!


[…] your entrée and drizzle the lemon mayo over the spears. (This dish pairs well with fish as seen here.) There’s something about the salty sesame and creamy lemon that just does it for me. […]


I LOVED this post A LOT! Thank you for you candidness!