...because home doesn't happen overnight.
12.31.12 / 2012 Recap

Blogs have a way of portraying life as chipper and easy and always good. But it isn’t always so. 2012 wasn’t my favorite year. It’s been rough. 2012 kicked my butt and while I hate to wish away time I’m not sad to say adios to the past year.

Here’s a brief recap of what happened in 2012:

great room floor

We tackled various DIY renovations that put us about six months past our predetermined move-in date. One project that we thoroughly underestimated was the installation of our engineered hardwood floors. So. Much. Glue.

master bath me 3

Let’s not forget that I was pregnant at the beginning of this year with a surprise #3. And when I say surprise, I mean “SURPRISE!!!!!” It was an eventful pregnancy with two lil’ ones, a demanding job, a renovation in progress and a traveling HH. I ended up on modified bed rest for the last two months.

We finished one bathroom. It’s still the only functioning bathroom in our house.

mabrey larew

It was a girl! We welcomed Mabrey Larew and our lives grew even busier. But, damn, she is so cute. Okay, so maybe 2012 wasn’t a total loss.

I officially quit my day job as a retail pharmacist. I don’t miss the work but I miss the comradery, the paycheck {quitting my job meant cutting our household income by 50%} and getting out of the house on a regular basis. This SAHM stuff is serious business.

island prep 7

We finished and installed a walnut butcher block countertop for our kitchen island. It’s still one of our favorite projects to date.

moving day

We finally moved out of our apartment and into the Underdog.

houston 1

We had a water leak which forced us to move out of the house for several days. I’m still having nightmares about that one.

I went dairy-free for baby’s sake and you guys were such a huge support system. FYI – Mabrey gave up breastfeeding a month or so ago and I’ve since reintroduced dairy into my diet in small doses. Hello cheese. Nice to see you again.

closet 11 revised

We organized the bedroom closets to maintain some sort of sanity.

mabrey art 1

I decorated one room. It remains the only decorated room in the house.


We excavated. In the mud vs. Dana battle, mud won.

diy rug 6

I painted a rug because I’m crazy like that.

yhl 1

I met John & Sherry. It was one of the only times I got out of the house without all three kiddos in tow. I forgot how to act in public.

backsplash 5

We tweaked the kitchen.

I practiced speed blogging.

HH found color-changing Christmas lights to appease everyone.

And then the year was over. Just like that. I had assumed 2012 would be the year I focused more on decorating and blogging but I was distracted by poopy diapers, hungry kids, school parties, sibling rivalry, sleepless nights, dirty dishes, piles of laundry and New Girl. Why is it taking me so long to find my sea legs after downsizing, quitting my job and churning out baby #3? Maybe it’s not the same for everyone but going from two kids to three has been extremely rough for us.

2012 is going out with a “thpppfth.” HH and I had plans for an adults only NYE night with another couple. We were going to get a babysitter. I was going to make dinner and dessert. We were going to drink and stay up late on purpose. We were going to entertain for the first time in our Underdog. Then 80% of us {that would be four out of five} went viral. And not in the good Bourne Legacy viral kind of way. Think more along the lines of exploding bodily fluids kind of viral. And we only have one bathroom. I’ll let you use your imagination.

Did I mention we’re on a tight schedule for a photo shoot scheduled for next week?

2012. Goodbye. And good riddance.

2013 come quick. Please bring toilet paper and sprinkle my kids with sleep fairy dust.

images: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking

10.05.12 / I’ll Take It

So you know how I’ve been searching for a stool for my desk in the kitchen? Well, it found me this week.

It’s eerily similar to these but with metal legs instead. Total coincidence. It was dirty, rusting and not in the best condition but I sat on it and it felt comfy and sturdy. I wasn’t sure if it was ‘the one’ but for $10 how could I not buy it? So I told the seller, “I’ll take it.”

I did have to put a little money and elbow grease into it.

The rubber feet protectors were dry rotted.

I removed them with a utility knife and pliers.

I found these 3/4″ rubber protectors {oy, that came out wrong!} at Home Depot for $2. I wasn’t feeling the elderly cane rubber tip look but, hey, at least they weren’t tennis balls. I had a plan to make them blend in a little better.

You see, the metal was showing signs of rust so I knew I was going to spray paint it right off the bat. I figured I could paint the rubber tips to match.

Upon careful inspection {i.e. sitting on the stool and noticing a slight lean to my left}, I discovered a screw that had rusted through and broken. I replaced it with a new one.

Then I wiped the stool down and rounded up some plastic bags, painters tape and gloss black spray paint to remedy the rusting metal frame.

I wrangled the stool into submission with the suffocating bags and tape. I covered the wood seat and back. I also taped off the bottom of the feet.

Then I sprayed the entire frame gloss black. I thought about taping off the chrome square support and spraying it chrome but decided that would be too tedious. Mabrey was napping so I was working on borrowed time.

I let the stool air out in the garage for a few days and finally brought it into the kitchen this morning. Oooh. Shiny. The rubber tips are already scuffed up. Turns out, spray paint doesn’t stick to rubber so well. But I’m still happy with the results. Especially since I only have $16 total {$10 stool + $2 rubber tips + $4 spray paint = $16} invested in the stool.

Here’s a better picture of the worn seat. I love the patina. And it won’t bother me one bit when the kids accidentally scratch it or draw on it.

The wood tone plays well with the island’s walnut countertop.

The size and shape of the stool fit me to a T.

Did I mention it swivels? This is a great little feature that will allow me to keep an eye on my kids in the kitchen or family room while I’m working. You know, when the eyes in the back of my head get tired.

I don’t know if the stool will better my blogging but it makes me smile when I sit in it.

Wanna know what else makes me smile? Being in the running for Apartment Therapy’s Room for Color! I submitted Mabrey’s room in the dark category a week or so ago on a whim. I wasn’t looking to win. I had no idea there was even a prize involved. But now that I’m in the running and I discovered there is a fabulous prize involved {$200 to Sherwin-Williams + $1000 to Thrive Home Furnishings!!}, I WANT TO WIN. If you like Mabrey’s nursery or if you want to see what I would do with that prize stash {let’s see, that would be equivalent to 75 of these stool makeovers – HA!}, please vote for Mabrey’s room right here. Thank you for your vote in advance!

Tackling the fabric circles mobile and the stool makeover this week has my momentum going again. Funny how all it took was making time for two easy projects to get me back on track.

Happy weekend! I hope you find the time to do something that makes you smile.

images: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking